
Justin Bieber did a photoshoot for Calvin Klein a little while back and after the finished photos were released, another one surfaced that was claimed to be the photo before it had been photoshopped. In the finished photos Justin looked more muscular and bigger. They even increased the size of his penis drastically compared to the unphotoshopped image. This became a somewhat big deal in the media becuase Justin's PR team immediately claimed the images were not photoshopped and the person who leaked the photo retracted his statement claiming, "If Justin says photoshop had not taken place then I believe him." In both of the videos we watched there was a common underlying cause as to why Justin didn't want people to think photoshop had taken place. That underlying cause is that 'masculinity' is incredibly hard to achieve because of the unrealistic expectations for men and their bodies. These expectations then cause men to become self conscious over things that shouldn't even define masculinity or being 'a man.' Penis size is such a sensitive topic because it's one of the things guys become the most insecure over, so the idea that Justin edited his penis to appear three times larger was too embarrassing to admit so they simply said it wasn't true. Social stigmas are hard to shake but I really hope we can move past them.


  1. This blog does a good job as to explaining the topic at hand. I agree with the argument you made with Justin Bieber acting like the penis photoshop never occurred because he was insecure about his penis size. In reality this doesn't matter because guys have no control over the size of their penis. I also liked how you pointed out that this was a public relations matter because that is exactly what it is.

  2. I like what you are saying in this blog. You go into good detail involving what was said in the videos and what Justin was saying to try and clear everything up. I liked how you talked about masculinity because that is a big reason on why this blew up.

  3. I completely agree with you i think that a lot of men are pressured to look like they hit the gym six times a week especially when you're in the public eye all the time. His PR team should've handled the situation better beacuse almost no advertisement or magazine cover is unedited, they shoul've just been real about it because its so common in the celebrity world. It was probably Calvin Kleins team anyway that focused on the editing so they easily could've told the truth. Photoshop is so common, but its bad because it gives people unrealisitc expectations of what real people look like.


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