Education in a Digitized World

In the film Digital Nation we are taken into classroom settings in all kinds of schools across America. It's clearly apparent that technology has changed the learning atmosphere in schools drastically but is this a good or bad thing? We're taken to a college campus where students brag about their ability to multitask but we soon learn that multitasking isn't as impressive as it's made to sound. Students don't put as much effort into their work and end up half-assing everything instead of doing a solid job on each task individually. We are also taken to a middle school in the Bronx where students are each given their own personal laptop to do homework online and use it for resources to study. The gift of providing technology to these students has brought test scores up and decreased violence in the school immensly.

According to an article on titled "Creating and Connecting: Research and Guidelines on Online Social- and Educational- Networking," 59% of students with access to the internet report that they use social media to discuss educational topics and 50% of the students use the site to talk about assignments. I would say the National School Boards Association is definitely a reliable source of information regarding students. Another article from the Journal of Applied Psychology titled "Student Class Standing, Facebook Use, and Academic Performance," states college freshman use social networking sites to build networks of new friends, feel socially integrated at their new schools, and reduce their risk of dropping out. Psychologists often study different aspects of human connection, like this one, deeply so I would also consider this a reliable source.

As most things in life do, a digitized education has its up's and down's. I believe it's more up to the student to differentiate the good and bad of technology in their studies and take advantage of the better aspects. I believe that technology is increasing so rapidly and becoming such a major part of every day life that they really don't have any other option.
